Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Face Detection using Skin Detection -- so much better!!

Edit: I accidentally deleted this post, but I was able to restore it here.... Yay...

Ok, so I really need a trained haar cascade for like, a 3/4's face, bc that's the one that I'm not detecting. But anyways, it is performing pretty well. The only thing is that I really just need to go to doing my depth segmentation & get the background out of there in a way that doesn't obscure my faces. I found an interesting paper which uses both depth AND color to segment -- & it is straight-forward to implement, so maybe I'll try that. I'm worried about the performance aspect of that, though, since it requires that I translate into IRL coordinates from depth.

Anyhow, here's my skin/face combo results. Narrowing down the search area definitely created a lot more correct positives... AND still some false positives. Note that once the background is gone, that this will improve the results immensely.

The blue is detected skin regions & the pink again, is faces. Also, my algorithm is (in theory) not racist. So, ya, that's important, right?!! Apparently human skin is more or less the same color once you disregard  luminance.... actually working on a better skin detection right now from the paper I mentioned earlier... THEN, off to image/depth segmentation.

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