This was enough of a headache that it deserves a post.
I'm using cinder on OSX, 64-bit in order to run the OpenNI 2 block. The official release and everything of Cinder is still 32-bit, but most of the libraries will work in 64-bit -- but it is a pain. I am using the osc block that comes with the official 0.85 release of Cinder.
So I kept getting this weird EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=13) error in OutboundPacketStream whenever I tried to use the osc::Sender object to send anything.
Unfortunately, I was convinced this was something weird I was doing myself... since all the examples worked & I have been using this library in 32-bit for a very long time... But I wasn't thinking that about the fact they were in 32-bit & my code was compiling to 64-bit... in any case, it looks like it is fixed in the current version of the oscpack library (someone else had this problem, though not with the Cinder implementation in particular), so I replaced the /ip & /osc parts of the library. It solved my problem. Case closed!
Btw, I should probably move to OS X 10.9, I know. But you can see from the above mess that upgrading anything is generally a big hassle...
Cinder does not get as much curating as other libraries, like say Processing and has a much smaller user base. However, Cinder is leaner, meaner, and faster. And I've been coding in C++ for so long that I can just code in it -- unlike Java where I'm still occasionally looking up the syntax for something relatively basic or I'm doing something illegal since hey, you can do whatever I'm trying in C++... plus, its pretty easy to incorporate outside libraries. I looked at OpenFrameworks for a little, too, but it looks messier to me....
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