Thursday, December 11, 2014

Tango practica con Jose, Dec. 11

1. Doing well with intention and embrace
2. Remember to push off from the heel during back ochos
3. Reviewed the 2-leg pivot
4. Remember to use the heel for rebounds.
5. Boleo is going well.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tango practica con Marco

1. Am doing well, with intention, for most part BUT:
2. Forward steps... make sure foot, leg goes first, then hip follows -- don't move hip back or whatever first.
3. Stay, stay with the leader. Esp. when moving out of parada, feel the distance of the step. Also, keep distance with forward ochos.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Technical Mishaps and Adventures....

So, I went & checked my motion recording setup and shiz had broken. Le sighz. Again, I am having problems with 32 vs 64bit. Upon checking my iphone as webcam setup for motion capture recording, I find I get this strange bug:

*** QTCaptureSession warning: Session received the following error while decompressing video: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12905 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -12905.)". Make sure that the formats of all video outputs are properly configured.

After much googling, I couldn't really find a good answer. I do know that it is something in my build or project settings, but what, I don't know. I'd be interested in an answer of course...  It is definitely related to something I did to make the IT++ library work with the 64-bit dynamic libraries since it was working before then. (or perhaps something when I was integrating matlab/mex in C++ but now decided didn't need it) Yes I could check BUT: 

Also, the Mobiola Webcam does not work in 64-bit (the OS X desktop half hasn't been updated since 2012). Other iPhone as webcam software I have tried either doesn't work on OS X or has around a 1sec. delay... which is pretty horrible. Mobiola so far has had waaaay better performance, as a real-time webcam.

After some mucking around... (too much), I finally decided to simply create a 32-bit video capture recording application that received sync'ing messages from OSC so I could capture the information. Even if I got the video capture in my current main application, it would be 64-bit & I'd have to use an iPhone app with a lot of latency. I figure its a temporary fix until Mobiola updates or I find a better iPhone app**. & then I will go through the pain of trying to fix that weird error.

Secondly, I found a strange Android bug in the Shimmer API. At least, I'm pretty sure it is from their code since its basically a memory leak in the JNI & I am not touching that part of the code. What happens is gradually, memory leaks until it runs out of space, causes a JNI pinned array ref problem and Android restarts the app. This happens after 30-45 min. so its not a disaster... I can simply restart, I guess, but I will need to hunt that down and fix it at some is kind of a pain to have to force a restart every 1/2 hour. First, I'll report it to the Shimmer pplz, tho. I suppose its possible I need to explicitly free something, but I would think the garbage collector would be doing that, since I'm not dealing with the JNI directly... Its like all unsafety of C++ with the annoyances of JAVA. Joyous.

 **Hahaha I am not going write one I have better things to do

Catching up on Tango Notes postings, Dec. 1 & 3

Tango Notes, Practica with Pio, Dec. 1
 ++More heel
++In back ocho, push back with heel to fully arrive before pivoting
++Allow to boleo from open side, follow chest exactly
++Keep knees collected for boleo and etc. allows for faster shiz.

Tango Notes, Clase con Sofia, Dec. 3
++pushing from the floor to build axis
++Resistence! Resistance from the torso going backwards, resist from the hips going forward
++Intention & active embrace ALL the time... I lose connection for a moment arriving backwards
++Transfer of weight – arrive with the hip back, opposite shoulder receives free knee
++send around, not diagonal during boleos